Advocacy For Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security for Ultra Poor And Chronically Vulnerable Households And Communities In Malawi - Titukulane


Titukulane has been designed to contribute to the implementation of the NRS in 2 of the first 6 pilot districts – Mangochi and Zomba. 

The initiative will contribute to improved budgeting processes, resource allocation and mutual accountability for the implementation of the NRS.



To support both national and district level policy discussions on the implementation of the NRS, to strengthen the capacity of the district level Champions of Change and relevant district level structures to understand their rights, demand better service delivery from their duty bearers, monitor and challenge planning and budget decisions in the two districts and at the national level.


  • Care

Geographical Coverage

  • Mangochi
  • Zomba
  • National level

Key contacts

  • Maziko Nkhulembe
  • Tendai Saidi

Civil Society Agriculture Network
Dzalanyama Crescent, Area 47, Sector 5,
P.O. Box 203, Lilongwe,
Tel:  +265 999 455 043 / +265 882 298 651
Email: /

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